Finding Internships

Internships are the beginning steps of your career path

Completing and internship can lead you to an unexpectedly rich network of resources, contacts, and opportunities. Internships in Writing and Editing are open to all English majors; however, if you are concentrating in Writing, Rhetorics, and Technical Communication, then an internship of at least 3 credit hours is required. To learn more about general information and requirements for internships in rhetoric and technical writing, please click here.

NOTE: You MUST meet with Dr. Hopton before initially contacting any potential internship placement. 

How do I find internship opportunities?

While looking for an internship, you should discuss your plans, ideas, and potential intern locations with Dr. Long, the current Internship Coordinator.  You should approach finding an internship in the same way as you will approach seeking permanent employment:

  • Networking with professionals in your field of interest
  • Searching job posting sites like Handshake, Indeed, or LinkedIn
  • Using professional job or internship information lists
  • Contacting personnel managers or supervisors at sites where you would like to intern

At App State, we also hold many campus-wide career events where you may speak with companies and locations looking for those interested in jobs and internships. You should also keep an eye on your AppState email. Dr. Long frequently sends internship opportunities out to our student listservs. After talking with Dr. Long, you must initiate contact and determine whether or not the possibility of doing an internship exists.  

While some businesses may already be familiar with internship procedures and have some sort of cooperative program in place, others may not. However, they may still be willing to take an intern once the relationship and procedures have been explained to them. Keep in mind that student interns may serve as educated, motivated, skilled, and unpaid workers who increase productivity in the workplace, especially during the summer months when they can temporarily replace full-time staff on vacation. When inquiring about the possibilities of doing a summer internship, you should point out those advantages to the prospective supervisor.   

On-Campus Opportunities

Internships are often available on the Appalachian State University campus, offering you the opportunity to be an intern while also attending classes at Appalachian. Campus opportunties might include:

  • Career Development Center
  • Cold Mountain Review
  • Graduate School
  • Office of Research and Supported Programs
  • Hubbard Center for Faculty Development
  • News Bureau
  • Office of Cultural Affairs
  • Department of English Digital Journalism internship

Local Area Opportunities 

Internship opportunities are also available in the town of Boone, and elsewhere in Watauga County. Some expamples include:

  • High Country Press
  • Appalachian Voices
  • Habitat for Humanity
  • McFarland Publishers
  • Mountain Times
  • Town of Boone
  • Watauga County Hunger Coalition
  • The Watauga Democrat

Outside Watauga County 

The number of internship opportunities may be limited within Boone due to the size of the local business community. As such, internships outside of Boone are often found by students according to their own individual interests or financial concerns. Examples include:

  • Rhino Records
  • Smithsonian Museum
  • Spin Magazine
  • UNC Internship Semester in Washington, DC

Paid and Unpaid Internships 

While some internships do pay, most do not, including those during the summer months.  However, if you are interested in exploring the issue of pay, you and you alone are responsible for negotiating that aspect of your internship with the office, business, or agency where you will be an intern. National statistics indicate that about 5% of all internships pay the intern a salary or cover other expenses.